About Us

About Us

IEC is a nonprofit religious organization practicing and following the tenants of Islam as prescribed in the Holy Quran and taught by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his Ahlul Bayt. We are a multicultural, and multi ethnic community.


Islamophobia and Terrorism

IEC  condemns all acts of violence and terrorism perpetrated by anyone.  We consider daesh, (isis) or any other organization intent on harming people to be an enemy of Islam and humanity.

IEC also condemns the Islamophobia perpetrated throughout the world by those wishing to suppress and misconstrue the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad and his progeny. Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance. We encourage anyone interested in learning more about the real Islam to check out our resources page or get in touch with us.

Board of Directors 2017

Br. Sayed Yousef

Sister Tabassum M

Br. Syed Mahir A.

Br. Hadi A.

Br. Hasan Y.

Br. Hasan M.

Br. Syed H.

Board of Trustees 

Br. Shabeer M.

Br. Mahmoud N.

Sister Debbie M.